Remote working works for mums
Companies are missing out. They are missing out on the massive pool of highly skilled, well- educated and incredibly talented women who happen to have children. Many of these women leave their careers to start families and don’t return, often because it’s simply too hard or too expensive, or both. Remote working changes the game for many.
Being out of the workforce for any number of years during the height of your career means that you are not advancing. You are not earning that promotion and your salary is not increasing. The cost of childcare, combined with less than optimal pay, often makes it a decision of economics for many families. It also means that these exceptional women are often accepting jobs that are perhaps less than meaningful, due to lack of workable options.
Making it not only possible, but awesomely attractive for women to return to meaningful full time employment after having families is something that every organisation should hold in high esteem.
Joining Timely was a no brainer for me. The way we fully embrace a culture of bringing all of yourself to your job is refreshing. Family first is a mantra we live by. And we truly practice what we preach with our own brand of remote working.
Remote working and a flexible schedule allows me to forget about the division between my work and my family. I’m free to be who I really am without restriction or compromise. I’m able to work with a company that I am truly passionate about in a role that is the perfect fit for my passions and my experience.
I get to be a mum and have a meaningful, kickass career.
We are a team of 26 and have many mums and dads on our team who are seriously awesome at kicking the work/life mash up’s butt. Our mums are passionate about their careers and their families and enjoy the many benefits of a remote working culture. Our mums were quick to tell us why a remote and flexible work culture floats their boat!
“My dad looks after my daughter, Evelyn at my house so I can work and watch her develop a relationship with her Grandad while also spending time with me” – Erin
Less stress due to no commute means that time pressures are not such a big issue. The time I save driving, parking and getting into an office means that I have more flexi time up my sleeve to be able to enjoy watching my kids sports games or clocking off early for some quality family time before dinner.
“I’m an extrovert BUT I love having un-interrupted time to get-shit-done as a remote worker… as a working mum your time is precious, I want to get my work done while managing my never ending list of other things that are demanding of my attention” – Larissa
I’m accessible and flexible. Even though I’m working, I’m still present. My kids are old enough now to be fairly self sufficient but it’s still nice to be needed and having them know I am here for them IF they need me makes me feel more able to focus on my job 100%, I’m able to relax and not feel that I have had to compromise either my work or my family – that means a great deal to me. Because it’s school holidays, and my husband was in an all day closed meeting with his work, I took my two youngest to a meeting yesterday… in a cafe … with the CEO and a potential new hire. Yay for cafe WiFi! They played on their iPads, watched Netflix and drew new Timely logos. No-one blinked an eyelid. I feel fully supported to be me.
“I used to work full-time at an office, this meant that my son was at daycare from 8am ’til 5.30pm. When we finally got home, I was exhausted and he was spending more time with strangers than with me. Now I can whip around to school to do a drop off or pick up, can easily come on daytime excursions and am around more to enjoy the little things”- Louise
I make better health choices. My fridge is always stocked full of healthy lunch time options and I’m never (not normally) tempted to stray out for a quick takeaway. I can just as easily pop out to a local cafe for a change of scene and some company and conversation. Plus, my flexible schedule allows me time to work in time for walks with the dog, a yoga session or a swim. Double bonus if it’s a nice sunny day and I can get to the beach with the kids AND the dog and complete my work later in the day or in the evening. Win Win.
“I get to focus on my health and well-being, when I do the weekly shopping I always think of myself and mid week lunch times, no take-aways!” – Larissa
As an increasing number of companies embrace more flexible ways of working and encourage workers to bring all of themselves to their jobs I’m confident that we will see a shift in diversity, which is good for everyone. Moreover, changing the way we think about company work practices and more accurately company culture isn’t only good for staff moral, it’s also vital to the economy and directly impacts a company’s bottom line.
A survey at a recent Global Leadership summit revealed that 34% of companies said that over half of their full time work force would be remote working by 2020. Flexible work options offer us choice and the ability to be the best we can be in all aspects of our lives.
I’m excited about the future and what it means for not only mums, but also dads and others who want more from their careers and who seek to create the perfect work/ life mash up.