Having loyal, supportive clients is so important to the future of your business, and there’s no better way to build strong and lasting relationships with your clients than by rewarding them for their loyalty using Timely Rewards!

This blog is the 8th in our Timely bootcamp series, and each week we’ll be releasing a blog and hosting a Facebook LIVE class focusing on a different topic covering all the essential information you need to get ready to reopen. Follow us on Facebook to learn more.

This week’s Facebook Live – Pump up your client loyalty

Wednesday 27th May
New Zealand: 8pm NZST
Australia: 6pm AEST
United Kingdom: 9am BST


    1. How Timely Rewards works
    2. Getting started with Timely Rewards
    3. How to redeem your clients’ rewards
    4. How to make rewards work for your business
    5. 4 reasons why you should use Timely Rewards


How Timely Rewards works

Timely rewards is our easy, point-based system that tracks your clients’ transactions and converts them into points, following a simple Spend & Reward approach:

Spend: Every time a client spends money, they will accumulate points.

Reward: When your client reaches a certain amount of points (determined by you), they will be rewarded with a voucher for your salon.

Timely will show you when your clients have earned a reward that they can spend, and you also have the option to show clients’ points balances on their receipts so they can see how close they are to a reward!

There has to be a loyalty program. As a customer when I walk through the door of my salon, I need to feel so special, so wonderful that I want to come back. If you entice me to come back with a loyalty program, I’m even more likely to come back. Valerie Delforge, CEO The Delforge Group® LTD


Getting started with Timely Rewards

Finding your formula

You have complete control over your rewards formula, and we’ve created a smart rewards calculator with expert advice from industry leaders to help you find the best formula to suit your business. Use this calculator to work out what you’d like to give back to your clients and how much of an investment it will be for the business. Plus, it’s pretty fun to play around with!

Tip: If you don’t want to offer discounted services or ‘money off’ as a part of your rewards system, it can be a great way to get clients on board with other services or new retail products.

Help guide: Getting started with Rewards

Moving from another loyalty system

Timely Rewards can be set up to replace your existing loyalty system easily! You can import customer rewards balances using the Customer CSV import, which lets you to update your clients’ rewards points balance in bulk. To do this, you’ll need to convert the balances into points that reflect your Timely Rewards formula.

Tip: If you need a hand, our team can help you find the best rewards setup for your business, and we can even help with imports for some systems. Get in touch with our team by sending us an email at help@gettimely.com.

Help guide: Moving from an existing loyalty system 


How to redeem your clients’ rewards

When your client has collected enough rewards points to earn a voucher, you’ll be able to apply their voucher onto the sale. All you need to do is raise a sale and then click on the diamond icon to apply your client’s rewards.

By default, the maximum value of the voucher will be applied, but you can adjust the amount if your client doesn’t want to use the full amount. To do this, you’ll need to click on ‘Apply’ to apply the rewards onto the sale.

Tip: You might decide to give your client additional points for referring a friend to your salon, so you can easily adjust their rewards balance manually if you need to. See the help guide below. 

Help guide:
How to apply a rewards voucher to a sale
How to adjust rewards points and vouchers 


How to make rewards work for your business

To make your rewards program a success, you’ll need to put some work into making sure your clients know what it is, and getting them on board. There are a couple of different approaches we’d recommend based on the type of system you’re looking for, and how visible you want it to be.

High awareness program: Using this approach, you want to make sure that your rewards system is mentioned on lots of clients touch points (marketing, SMS messages, emails etc), your clients’ balances are on their receipts and shown when a client books, and the rewards program is promoted in your business using collateral like signs or mirror decals. 

Subtle program: Some higher-end businesses like to take the opposite approach and run a rewards programme that not all clients are aware of. They’ll track their client’s rewards but they won’t show it to the client, and instead will track and ensure their regular/VIP clients are being rewarded.


4 reasons why you should use Timely Rewards

1.Rewards reignites the spark with your clients

You can’t always assume that your clients are happy, and like any long-term relationship, you’ve got to keep the spark alive! That’s where a rewards program comes in. Strengthening your relationships with your existing clients doesn’t just strengthen their loyalty to your business; it also makes them more likely to be a promoter of your business to others. 

A rewards program says “Hey, we value you. This is how much we appreciate you as a client. Thank you for choosing us!”. 

2.The third visit is make-or-break for retaining a new client

Yep, we did the research! When a person is testing out a business, they tend to try it out a few times before they make the decision to become a loyal client. If the client has seen consistency over the first 2-3 visits, they’re more likely to become a loyal customer. What better way to show them you’re the one than with a rewards program that starts rewarding on that third visit! Timely’s Rewards feature incentivises your newest clients to book more appointments with you and then surprises them with a gift at a crucial time in the client relationship.

3.A good rewards program will help you grow your business

These days, clients have so many options. Why should they choose you instead of your competitor? Rewards can help! A loyalty program won’t be the sole reason a new client chooses your business, but it will appeal to clients who value experience as well as those who are value-driven and feel appreciated. 

When a client is choosing between you and a competitor, your rewards program is that cherry on top of everything else amazing that you offer.

4.Businesses that stand the test of time have great client loyalty

Establishing and maintaining a valuable rewards program equips your business for long-term success. Business coaches have told us that they’ve seen successful loyalty programs save clients from leaving a business, even when their favourite staff member has left! Clients view ‘points’ as ‘cash in the bank’ and sometimes the loyalty to that ‘cash’ is stronger than the loyalty to the stylist.