Timely helps this busy hair loss clinic run seven days a week
Clive Hair Clinics is a health clinic that consists of trichologists. These specialists look after issues with the head or scalp. They predominantly deal with hair loss but also have clients coming to see them about things like alopecia and dandruff.
Timely helps this busy hair loss clinic run seven days a week. Their busy clinic is based in Auckland and they also have two part-time clinics that operate in Hamilton and Wellington three to four days per week. They also have a six-day a week operation in Melbourne. Not to mention that they have a mobile clinic that travels around the other major centres throughout NZ and Australia. As you could imagine it’s a big ask to manage all of these mobile trichologists who could be in a different clinic on any given day.
The most simple, easy to use, flexible appointment system.
Carla from Clive Hair Clinics looked high and low for a solution that would work for this many staff and locations.
They were on a paper diary system in each clinic that just didn’t work. If someone had a sick day in the Wellington Clinic for example, there was no way the Auckland clinic could get hold of their diary and let the clients know.
Not ideal! So Carla signed up to a system called Shortcuts. Unfortunately, this didn’t reduce the headaches. In fact, Carla was about to go back to pen and paper, when she happened to do a last-minute Google search and found Timely. She was so excited that she stayed up until 2 am that night setting it all up!
Setting up Timely was easy, even for a technophobe!
Carla reckons that she is not very tech savvy. In fact, she says in her own words, “if I can figure it out, then any fool can figure it out”. Now that’s saying something. She set it all up in one night and then exported her upcoming appointments in over a weekend. From there the girls in the clinic were using it from Monday! No mucking around at this clinic.
Timely deals with multiple locations and staff members
Carla gave up on her previous systems because they couldn’t deal with the fluidity of the business. So getting onto Timely was a breath of fresh air for them.
They are able to manage a range of staff in multiple locations. On top of that it is easy to manage when they have a mobile clinic and some of their trichologists are on the road, sometimes in a different location every day. No more rushing around to try and find the paper diary!
Basically, it’s given us a whole heap of information that we didn’t have before.
From a head office point of view, it’s great being able to see what is going on at each clinic. Not only to see the appointments going through but also the reports that are available for booking and clients. From a management perspective, it’s a lot easier for Carla to keep her finger on the pulse and ahead of the game at each clinic.
In our business, people don’t always want to talk
Because of the nature of the clinics and the reasons people are going to see them at Clive, some people are a bit shy about picking up the phone and making the initial booking. For many it’s a lot less intimidating to visit their website and book in for that first initial appointment.
Carla is so happy with Timely that she tells people about it all the time. And not just businesses within a clinic environment. She is totally confident that any business that takes appointments will benefit from using Timely.